5.13 walls.

welcome to my page. i shall document stories here.
will update soon.


so to clarify, i shall be writing about the small town i live in and the mysteries that roam inside it. i'm still new to the internet so i don't know how to work this fully but i shall try. i don't want to say which town because we're a tight knit community and i don't want any of you to find me. most of these stories are from quite awhile ago, but are still interesting tales. i'll speak of the first tale tomorrow. my wife's calling me so i'll stop writing for the night.


so the story goes that sometime in the 80's, might've been 84 but i'm not sure. anyways so this is a classic tale of a kid wondering into the woods and getting lost. the forest was south of the town and it carried on for miles, even reaching oregon. so one day the kid goes out and just doesn't come back. his parents freaked out and they started a search party for him. they looked for weeks through the woods but nothing came up. the mother of the child still lives here, i might be able to interview her soon once she comes back from idaho. anyways that's it for the night.


i forgot to write yesterday about how infamous those woods are. the parents usually keep their kids far from it but that just makes them want to explore it even more. multiple cases of kids being lost there have gone back to the late 40s when the town was founded. the forest spans for miles like i said, there's an interstate that goes through the forest, interstate 5.13. no one uses it anymore but we don't have the funds to just remove it so we just keep it there, it just hasn't been on a map for quite awhile. they just stick to interstate 5 instead. anyways that's just some context for you. night.


hey so, uhh next story for you. there was this church that was built about when the town was founded. it's a very christian place so it's been up for awhile. anyways so in the early 90s it just, went up in a blaze. we don't know why, but we assume that it was some teenagers being stupid teenagers. soo of course the town went into a riot because y'know, christian town. sooooo they went marching in the streets for weeks just protesting to rebuild it but it didn't do anything. like i mentioned earlier, we don't have the funds to do anything. hell, i'm surprised the town is still alive.


god i love her so much. she planted rose bushes outside yesterday. she said they remind her of me. i'm so happy i'm with her. anyways so next story. remember interstate 5.13? well besides the fact that interstate 5 is just more effective, the other reason why no one uses it anymore was because there was a crash a bit ago that knocked out a bit of the road. we would've fixed it but as you would've guessed, no funds. plus almost everyone used interstate 5 at that point so why bother?


they used to say there was this structure that was in the woods. people used to visit and just use it like a playground. kids would visit and just mess around until one day a kid just, disappeared? it was really odd because they've been going there for years at that point and the kids got used to the area. i guess that's what started the rumor of kids going missing, which caused more kids to want to visit and find out the mystery. hell even as a kid i wanted to.


y'know i visited in again a few weeks ago. just some stone arc looking thing with some rubble around it. i don't know why the kids found it so fun but who knows. anyways so i just went looking around again, wondering if there was anything i lost. i remember last time i went there i came back feeling emptier. it was quite an odd feeling. maybe i had dropped something while i was there. i couldn't find anything but i doubt it was too important.


sorry for not updating you for a few weeks. i've been busy with life. though i do have new info for you. so remember the mother of that kid that got lost? well she's back from her trip so i talked with her a few days ago. she didn't have too much to say but she was quite a lovely lady. she did seem to be still affected by the loss of her child. i tried asking her some questions but she didn't seem open to talk about what happened. she did say she saw another kid while she was looking in the woods. i feel like she should've mentioned this before but maybe she was too busy with her actual kid to care. i might go ask her more questions soon.


i can't think anymore. i don't know what to say. who am i? are you me? am i me? i'm not whole. when will i ever be whole again? is this a lie? am i lying to myself? i cant focus anymore. my mind scrambled and lost like.. like? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAY ANYMORE. I'VE LOST IT ALL. YOU WON'T COME BACK. SHE WON'T COME BACK. I WON'T COME BACK. WHY WHY WHY WHY DID THIS HAPPEN TO ME? WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE ME? IM SO FUCKING STUPID AND IM TIRED OF THIS. I WANT TO BE MYSELF AGAIN AND IT JUST WON'T HAPPEN. I TRY EVERYTHING.

who are these people? mj? miss rose? em? sam? mel? and me.
